Featured, above: 2023 lecture and dinner with film director and producer Anthony Russo at Caltech’s historic Athenaeum; Polytechnic dance team member looks out over LA Coliseum from a 2021 receptionDinner in celebration of historic $100m gift to UCLA AndersonThe Marion Anderson dinner presented a wonderful challenge to me as UCLA Chancellor’s Residence Manager in getting to create my most elegant event yet while remaining conscientious of the budgetFormer Governor Gray Davis sought me out to compliment my California food and wine pairingsBy all accounts, most importantly, Marion’s, the event went on brilliantlyNew York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand was greeted by UCLA Chancellor Gene Block and former Dean Rachel Moran; I appear looking on from leftThe event welcomed distinguished alumnae of UCLA LawThe event came together on short notice given her scheduleThe breakfast setup for Senator Gillibrand’s talkFormer Los Angeles Mayor Eric GarcettiAnnual recognition event for outstanding student service and achievementMore than 500 students attended the largest of these receptionsI hired student jazz ensembles to perform at an annual staff recognition reception Reception for the annual UCLA Awards; I appear in the far leftKal Penn, UCLA alumnus, actor, and former staffer under President ObamaI hired an outsider caterer to prepare a traditional Japanese kaiseki meal; I also worked with MoMA on the loan of this Francis Picabia landscapeWe brought creativity to an intimate dinner celebrating the groundbreaking of the UCLA conference centerA UCLA a capella group performs at a celebratory dinnerLocal community groups were invited to an annual brunch and discussion of civic concerns with decor intended to uplift and educateDonor recognition dinnerEvent designed to the occasion, a retirement partyAs a regional director of UCLA alumni clubs, I worked with wonderful volunteers for myriad events, like this alumni day to see UCLA baseballI supported many well established UCLA alumni clubs and also helped to revitalize clubs in smaller communities, like NashvilleWedding at 21C Museum Hotel, Louisville, KYThe AMA’s two-time Close-Up Magician of the Year Mike Pisciotta For the kidsEnd of school year faculty and staff partyAlso a retirement celebrationFriday Night Lights silent auction and parent partyCelebration of life, over 500 attendeesGrandparents and Special Friends DayRegistration volunteersGrandparents could attend in person and virtuallyPerformances were livestreamedOver 500 grandparents, 900 students, and 200 faculty and staffVisitors attended three class periods and assemblyCommencementDonor recognition luncheonAlumni reunion registrationAlumni picnic activitiesAlumni reunionBackyard faculty and staff holiday party